USA Southern Rockies tiekartta

USA Southern Rockies tiekartta
Kategoriat: Suunnistus, Kartat
Brand: Michelin
9.9 EUR

Aluekarttasarja zoomaa lähelle monipuolista kattavuutta Arizonasta, Coloradosta, New Mexicosta ja Utahista (mittasuhde: 1: 1 267 000). Se sisältää kaupunkikartat helppoon ajamiseen Albuquerquessa, Colorado Springsissä, Denverissä, Phoenixissa, Salt Lake Cityssä ja Tucsonissa. Kartta sisältää kattavan hakemiston, etäisyyskaavion ja monikielisen selityksen englanniksi ja espanjaksi.Kartat ovat täydellisiä suurten turistialueiden löytämiseen, ja niiden yksityiskohdat ovat helpossa muodossa. Erilaisia vapaa-ajan aktiviteetteja, kuten vesipuistot, turistijunat, hevosurheilu jne. (Edition updated in 2018) Michelin USA Southern Rockies Map 175 (scale: 1:1,267,000)part of Michelin’s US regional map series with green covers zooms in close for comprehensive coverage of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. It contains city maps for easy driving in Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Denver, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and Tucson. Michelin star-rated sights and a selection of not-to-be-missed annual events and festivals serve as inspiration for future road trips.Outdoor enthusiasts can choose from multiple national parks for scenery and activities: Arches, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, Carlsbad Caverns, Grand Canyon, Great Basin, Great Sand Dunes, Guadalupe Mountains, Mesa Verde, Petrified Forest, Rocky Mountain, Saguaro, and Zion. The map includes a comprehensive index, a distance chart, and a multi-language legend in English and Spanish. Those traveling for business or pleasure, as well as locals traveling further afield, will appreciate Michelin’s high standard of clear and accurate mapping and the additional information on parks, events and points of interest to make the journey more enjoyable.MICHELIN ZOOM MAPS are perfect to discover major tourist areas, with a high level of details in an easy to use format.They nicely complement our Michelin Guides and include:* Various leisure activities, such as water parks, tourist trains, horse racing, etc* Scenic routes and tourist sights crossed referenced with the famous Michelin’s Green Guides* Camping sites information from Michelin’s Camping Guides* Hotel information from the world famous MICHELIN Guides